Thursday, May 26, 2022

How to crack System Design Interview?

The job market for Software Engineers is exploding! Particularly if you have a few years of experience under your belt. In the world of Software Engineering, System Design is the most sought-after skill, and thus one of the most important stages in the process, if you are applying for a Senior Engineer / Lead / Architect / or a more senior role.

But, before we get into the specifics, what exactly is a system design interview? What exactly do the interviewers expect from the candidates?


You should be able to design a system that meets all of the requirements and scales well.

 Your design should be pluggable and should not prevent the addition of new features.

● You should be able to compare various options and select the best one.

● You should be familiar with the following system design fundamentals:

 Load balancers

○ APIs

○ Caches


○ Network Protocols

○ Message queues

○ CDNs

○ High-level details about ML and Big data

○ CAP Theorem

○ Monitoring and analytics

These are the essential System design topics and concepts that every developer should be familiar with. If you are knowledgeable about these topics, you will undoubtedly perform well in system design interviews.

How Should You Prepare for System Design Interviews?

 Concepts for System Design

○ Load Balancer - A distributed system cannot exist without a load balancer to distribute incoming requests among various nodes.

○ Cache - Most systems have some read-heavy interactions, meaning that the user will access information frequently but will not update it as frequently. It makes sense to cache this information so that it can be easily retrieved without requiring a database lookup.

  Database - Once again, no system can exist without some form of data storage. Whether you want to save files, images, product information, financial transactions, or simply dump all data from various user interactions for later analysis.

○ Message queues - What if you need to insert data into your database and a bulk insert is more efficient? To optimize your resources, it would make sense to simply keep track of these inserts in a message queue and perform 1 bulk insert rather than hundreds of 1-to-1 inserts.

○ CDNs enable us to keep a copy of our data in various data centers located closer to the users' locations in order to reduce latency.

○ Analytics and monitoring are essential components of any system you design. This is a hidden requirement; no one mentions it during the requirement gathering process, but every interviewer desires it.

● Learn from the titans of technology.

○ This is unlikely to help in the short term. However, in order to become an expert in System Design, in the long run, it is best to read the Tech blogs of various tech companies and see how they solve various technical problems.

○ This would provide a clear picture of the real problems they face and how they solve them creatively. Understanding these concepts will help you improve your system design skills while also keeping you up to date on the latest technological innovations.

End Notes

Practice is the key here. Find a good course or other online resources, it is up to you. But without practice, nothing can be achieved. Tutort Academy offers Data Structure Training in Bangalore and System Design Course for the working professionals. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Why Python Has Become The Top Choice For Data Scientists?


Data Science Coaching in Bangalore

Python is a 1991 open source, object-oriented, general-purpose scripting language. It is dynamically typed and has a garbage collection mechanism that is implicit.

Python supports both imperative and declarative programming paradigms, allowing coders to natively create classes and functions as well as use it as a tool where simple re-use of predefined codes can get the entire job done in next to no time. This is further supported by Python's modularity, which makes it extremely extensible.

All of these features may appear overwhelming to someone who has just begun thinking about taking up a data science training in Python, but that is never a cause for concern because of its simpler, less-cluttered syntax and grammar rules – which make it one of the easiest languages to code and use by anyone.


Open Source

Python is one of the most well-known open-source tools on the market, and it is available for free use. Because open-source tools are generally less expensive, Python is preferable to a paid tool for small and medium-sized businesses.

Easy to Use and Learn

Even if a Trainee has no prior programming experience, he or she can easily learn and become accustomed to various features. The learning curve is gradual, and the code appears to be written in English. Major Data Science activities such as data manipulation, EDA, graphs, inferential statistics, predictive modeling, reporting, and so on can be completed with minimal coding.


Python comes equipped with production-ready APIs and libraries that are usable for all the typical and extended activities of the Data Science stack – data acquisition, data manipulations, data explorations, modeling – as a result of its vast implementations across various organizations.

Graphs and Visualization

Data visualization is the process of visually communicating data or information through the use of various entities such as points, lines, or bars contained in graphics, and it is an essential component of any Data Science project. Python has a number of versatile graphing libraries that come with a variety of features.

End-to-End Development

The majority of Data Science development in Python is done in an IDE or Jupyter Notebook, but there is always the issue of deployment and presenting the outputs, regardless of the tool used. Once a model is created, it is typically shared with an app developer who integrates it into a larger app. Python includes web development libraries like Flask, Pyramid, and Django that can be used to create a native web application and then integrate Data Science components into it.

Final Thoughts

Learning Python for data science is time well spent, because as big data and machine learning become more common in business, the demand for more Python-skilled practitioners is expected to rise. You may check out a cost-effective and very comprehensive Data Science Coaching in Bangalore offered by Tutort Academy in various training formats.

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